I-Beam Clamps
The I-Beam clamps allows for mounting to any flange such as joists, purlins, and of course I-Beams. The eye hook then goes through the grommets and into the bottom of the clamp.
Side-to-side movement: NO

Ceiling Mounts
Mounts directly to the ceiling. The track then allows for the curtain to roll side to side on rollers.
Side-to-side movement: YES

Wall Mounts
Mounts directly to the face of a wall or vertical surface. The track then allows for the curtain to roll side to side on rollers.
Side-to-side movement: YES

Chain or Cable Mounts
Use a chain or cable to drop down from high above to suspend the curtain. The track then allows for the curtain to roll side to side on rollers.
Side-to-side movement: YES

Threaded Rod Mounts
Use a threaded rod to drop down from high above to suspend the curtain. The track then allows for the curtain to roll side to side on rollers.
Side-to-side movement: YES

I-Beam Mounts
When connecting to a truss, I-Beam or any other horizontal steel support, this style of mount works best. Once connected, you simply tighten down the set screw.
Side-to-side movement: YES

Tension Cable
You can hang your curtain using aircraft cable, S-hooks, and cable turnbuckles to tighten the cable. The S-hooks go through the curtain grommets.
Side-to-side movement: YES

Aluminum angle and Tek screws hold the curtain up. The angle is clamped to the joists or anchored into the roof deck. Then Tek screws are screwed into the angle through the curtain grommets.
Side-to-side movement: NO

Vertical uprights with base plates hold up the curtains. The curtains can be then fixed in place or rolling side-to-side on the curtain track. Note this is for curtains of 14′ in height or less.
Side-to-side movement: YES