Choose From Solid or Strips

Free Standing Welding Strips
Free-Standing welding strip curtains allow entry
at all locations of the enclosure. This allows
people and product rapid access.

Free Standing Welding Curtains
Less expensive than the full strip curtains
the solid soft wall curtains are made from
14mil Vinyl and roll side-to-side.
Rugged Industrial Hardware

Strip Hardware
Using the same studded hardware as a traditional strip curtains, the welding strips attach to the galvanized steel frame and securely bolt on. This prevents the strips from coming detached when material moves through. You can form a 4-sided freestanding welding cell or single-sided freestanding welding walls. We can accommodate almost any design your welding area requires.

Curtain Hardware
The soft wall welding curtains can roll side-to-side using the roller hooks that roll inside of the curtain track. This allows easy and efficient entry from one side to the other. Just like the welding strip curtains, any configuration is possible from 4-sided welding enclosures to single-sided. The welding curtain track is a bolt-together design that allows for quick deployment.
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- Galvanized steel - Hot-dip galvanizing (HDG)
- Lifetime warranty
- 2" or 2" OD tubes
- Tube size selected based on curtain heights
- Max height is 12'
- Maximum distance between uprights is 10′ for Vinyl
curtains and 8′ for strip curtains. - Layout drawing provided with each order for your
Base Plates
- 12" x 12"
- 3/8" lag holes located in each corner
- Your order will arrive as a bolt together kit
- Simply assemble hardware and then hang the curtains
Strip Mount Style
- Strips attach to horizontal cross members
- Strips bolt on for secure locking
- Strips can unbolt to be replaced quickly
Rolling Curtain Mount Style
- Curtains attach to nylon roller hooks
- Curtains roll side-to-side for complete access
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Free-Standing Welding Strips