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More Info on Heavy Duty Curtains

If average curtains will not hold up to the rigorous use or environment of your application, then you can use our Heavy Duty Curtains. These curtains are designed to be thicker and last much longer than average curtains. With a thickness up to 40mil and available materials that can withstand excessive heat and abrasion, these heavy duty curtains will last a lifetime.
Easy Install
Industrial curtains come with grommets at the top making hanging the curtains quick and easy with or without the curtain track.
Industrial curtains are about 1/3rd of the cost of other separation methods such as rigid walls or panel systems and are easy to store.
Separate Workers
Industrial curtain walls are ideal for separating workers for welding, washing, packaging and many other operations.
Control Noise
Industrial curtains help reduce noise due to the thick PVC they are made from which makes for a more comfortable work environment.

Types of Heavy Duty Curtains
There are many different applications which require different types of materials. As a result, most installations are custom made per our customers specifications. All of these curtains come with heavy duty curtain tracks as well. These tracks allow the curtains to roll side-to-side. There are also free standing tracks available as well. These require no support from above and simply rest on the floor. They can be grouped in the following categories
- Heavy Duty Curtain Walls - These curtains are generally about 10’ tall x 60’ long but can be longer or shorter in any dimension. They separate space, work processes, contain sparks, odors, dust or increase privacy.
- Heavy Duty Warehouse Curtains - These curtains can be hundreds of feet long and close off portions of a warehouse which is either no longer used.
- Heavy Duty Insulated Curtains - A type of curtain which has insulation wedged in-between the vinyl and is used to form temperature zones. These can be large insulated warehouse curtains or smaller freezer curtains.